Conflicts of Interest/Conflicts of Commitment

bet36365体育 and the University of Nebraska system have policies designed to identify, 消除, and/or mitigate conflicts of interest involving employees. Policies are linked below for reference.

All employees who have potential conflicts of interest are required to complete a disclosure form. Completing the form is the first step in the process of identifying potential conflicts of interest and managing or eliminating conflicts as appropriate. Completing and submitting the disclosure form is an annual requirement for employees who:

  • All full-time faculty, including those with nine-month appointments;
  • Managerial/professional staff and administrators;
  • Anyone who is responsible for the design, conduct, administration, or reporting of research;
  • Anyone with an outside professional activity involving a foreign government, 准政府, 机构, or other foreign entity (including businesses);
  • All employees who have been issued a University purchasing card;
  • All employees with delegated signature authority; and
  • Anyone who is otherwise directed to complete the disclosure form.

In addition, employees should update the form within 30 days of any new potential conflict (i.e. responses to any of the questions change). Employees should contact their dean or director to update their form or seek guidance relative to potential conflicts of interest. 如果有疑问, employees are advised to complete the disclosure form annually—conflicts with existing statutes are nonetheless conflicts whether the employee is or is not aware.

Per regents' policy, effected faculty and staff must have a current conflict of interest disclosure on file, which must be updated annually. The COI disclosure is now electronic and can be filled out at nuramp.内布拉斯加州.edu.

Conflict of Interest Policies

Questions or concerns may be addressed to the 公平办公室 & 合规